Advanced Search (Items only)
EVE: The Pilot
Introspection: Acceptance of the imperfect self
Starry: 2D Animation
Objects of Abnormality: An experimental pinhole photography project 失常物誌
Data Sense: Tracing COVID-19 by infographics and data visualisation 數說肺炎:從數據圖表看肺炎實況
Sea You Again: Experience Enhancement of Water Transportation through Improving Existing Information and Repackaging Boat Journeys. 每一渡
SDP: SDPaper, a Communication Design project for promoting local use of paper 紙理 ―― 推廣本地用紙的傳意設計項目
Deathnival: A Death Education Solution
mii - a personalised menstrual health app
變二 Three metamorphoses: Possibilities behind Negativities
Get On! Explore Hong Kong: Local Exploration Tours by Bus 走吧!遊遍香港
The Truth Needs To Be: A project to explore the relationship between human, medium and seeking truth
Dream Visualisation: Dreamery, is an app of diary and gallery to record, visualise, share and analyse your dreams.
After the Upload: Encouraging people to face their online scandals instead of erasing them 上載之後
More or less: Enjoyable and flexible health solutions for Hong Kong young adults over eating and exercising 或多或少
International Childish Day: A childish day for adults.
Play the Joy: A Variety Show Branding Project for the Hong Kong young adults to regulate and comfort their emotion
2359 - Apocalypse Now: Art Direction Project for New Media
Sim(ple) Sim(ple) but Different 簡而不同
Spirit Magic House ~心靈魔法屋~
Masala Garden: Spice Culture Up. Culture Spiced Up.
So mate
KPX: meet, connect, cultivate
2MAGINE 2想角度
so-rituals 素慶
Up Stitch: From up-cycling to every stitch.
Recall your ONE DAY: Recall your ONE DAY
Luck is overspent? Be prepared for Luck! 準備 等運到!
A Concrete Companion: An advertising campaign which changes people’s perception of concrete
No one care? It is freedom! Shared flat, as free as you are living alone. 冇人理 先自由: 合租配對平台
Brain on Strike: A advertising campaign to raise public awareness of adult ADHD
Follow you wherever you go 去到邊都跟住你
Care a Better Self: Care about other people's labels on cosmetic surgery? It would be better to care for a better self! 在乎更好的自己:在乎人哋,不如在乎更好的自己
"Better than Mark Six" dream reconstruction project 「好過中六合彩」夢想重建計劃
Living alone or together? Let's co-live! 獨居定同居?不如共居!
Proud of you, Full-time dad 為你驕傲 全職爸爸
Calm to focus 放鬆.專注
If All The Lights Disappeared 如果這世界沒了----光
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