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Re-Re drawing Escher
Recall your ONE DAY: Recall your ONE DAY
Redesign of Interactive Spaces for the Visually Impaired
Reimagine the Forgotten Dynasty: Thesis/Narrative, Painting Transformation, Chinese Painting
Rituals Revitalization Hong Kong Ritual Explores
ROAD TO SERENITY: A novel intelligent steering wheel solution facilities interactive and mindfulness experience
SCALE: The Modular canopy for opening Mall’s public spaces.
SDP: SDPaper, a Communication Design project for promoting local use of paper 紙理 ―― 推廣本地用紙的傳意設計項目
Sea You Again: Experience Enhancement of Water Transportation through Improving Existing Information and Repackaging Boat Journeys. 每一渡
Shade Invasion: Visual perception of a narrative space
Shadow-Play: Playground design
Sim(ple) Sim(ple) but Different 簡而不同
Siri is here to help: A campaign for Apple Siri
SLEEEP Everywhere 隨處安眠
Slow~living is good SLOW~活得輕鬆
Smart Milky Assistant: The Smartest Baby Feeding Recorder
So mate
so-rituals 素慶
Solarcise: App with interactive vending machine design for enhancing hikers' sun protection habit
Space, Contingency, Dignity, & Change: Re-imaginations of Kat Hing Wai Village Watchtower from 1880 C.E. to 2021 C.E
SPECTRUM: A data collecting & soothing tool for ASD
Spirit Magic House ~心靈魔法屋~
Starry: 2D Animation
Store Up: 'A Store or To Store?' - A retail warehouse
SYNC: Virtual cohabitation experience that helps couples gradually adapt to cohabitation.
Take It Light: Encouraging an unwind living attitude
Taking a Game Break from Our Busy Lives: Co-Designing informal Basketball Games and Play-Space under COVID-19 忙裏偷籃
The Applicability of Participatory Design for Urban Community Building (2020)
The Discernible Community: A Visual Reintegration of Communal Spaces Within Public Housing
The Early Product Concept Prototyping Strategy in Participatory Design Process (2019)
The Emigrant Factory: A Kafkaesque Interpretation of Cross-border Flow
The Infinity Space: DJI Virtual Community Space
THE ISLAND OF GRIEF: Architecture Spatial Sequence Project
The Lakein... The story-based training game
The Lost Clinics in Kowloon Walled City: The Past Reimagined
The Missed Journey: Interactive Game Device forcing on LGBT+ Education 讓你打破彼此隔膜的「尋回的旅程」
the Orb of Health - World of Genetic Modification mass killing vs mass production
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